Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rock On, Stem Cells!

Day 1: My white blood cell count is 0.1, or too low to count... that's what the lab says.  That's good news for today, but now I need those stem cells to take hold.  Over the next 7-10 days they need to find their way into my bone marrow and begin to produce my new immune system... the one that thinks collagen and blood vessels are just fine!  :)

My red blood cell count came up to 9 with my blood transfusion, and my platelet count is a low but still safe 47.  So, no transfusions today.

For the rest, it's much of the same.  My GI tract is unhappy, and the vomiting and diarrhea persist.  I feel so sleep deprived after a week here, that I'm not always sure which side of sane I'm on.  But, I'm rolling along and day by day I'm going to get stronger.

Thank you to everyone who posted and emailed and texted me to lift my spirits, and to those who are praying or just thinking now and again.  Your support is incredibly meaningful to me.

Steve will be back here in Chicago tomorrow night, but I'm glad he and the boys have a little chance to reconnect tonight.  Love to you all!


  1. There is nothing better on earth that knowing your kids are getting a kiss from their mom (even if second hand.:) Good that he is home, and better yet when he is back soon with you. Then I assume you have the insane joy of those return-kisses. I am just picturing you now as a little snowball at the top of the huge hill you somehow just climbed. Now, finally, you are on the way down and you will gather strength with each day you roll downhill. It is absolutely fantastic to be on the home-stretch. We love you, Mary

  2. I wanted to let you know I keep running into members of the Holly fan club. While at my appointment with our mutual dentist yesterday, I received the standard greeating of Hi - how is Holly? This morning after taking some carrots to Atlas, I saw the main groom at your former stable next door. He asked about you and said what "a nice lady you were". Everywhere I go, people are pulling for you. I know this is a really tough time for you, so hang in there and know that everywhere, literally, people are thinking of you. Love, B

  3. Aloha

    We are with you in spirit and love and prayer and look each day for your postings.

    We love the new sexy with the short look, but it is the winning smile that always gets into our hearts.

    I talked with Kate this morning and she is also following your progress. She asked me lots of questions than an old gastroenterologist has no idea about. Along the way, you can fill us in on some of the immunology, etc.

    Dr. Mike

  4. Holly,
    I can't think of any great words of wisdom or comfort during this time...but I love you and admire the heck out of you (always have!) You are amazing. Melissa
