Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Stems Will Come Out Tomorrow?

They say in Chicago, if you don't like the weather, just wait 5 minutes.

I admit I feel like I'm twisting in the wind right now, living in the old good news-bad news doctor joke.  Honestly, I don't know the truth (Maybe I can't handle the truth?), but I will put to blog this week's confusing twists and turns and perhaps somewhere find clarity.

First, I had my induction chemotherapy.  It seems as though I am an over-achiever.  I'm now officially neutropenic and locked away tonight until my procedures in the morning.

Next, I started a series of self-injected Neupogen shots last Saturday.  Sadly, I'm an under-achiever.  Apparently, I'm just not stimulating the bone marrow quite enough as yet.  So, there is some doubt as to whether tomorrow's planned harvest will be a go, or be delayed.  If it is delayed, it may also delay my return home for a visit with my kids.

I also had a visit with my cardiologist/ pulmonary hypertension specialist here in Chicago.  He expressed some doubt about the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension (Yeah!) but suggested an alternate possible diagnosis of scleroderma-related restrictive pericarditis (Boo!) based on his read of the cardiac catheterization results.  To provide clarity, another cardiac catheterization was ordered.... and should be done before I go home.

So, hoping all these pieces fall into place and that I can go home to my kids on Friday night as planned...

The photo above is my feeble and ultimately unsuccessful attempt to ride a Segway with my friend and doctor, Amy, on Monday.  Luckily, she was able to complete the tour today while I made my appointments.  She is here to help me through the harvest, and is much appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. we love you hol. hope you make it home this weekend. xo, rich, sofia, ava and alicia
